
Which Animal Phyla Appear In The Cambrian Explosion

Ascertainment (from previous studies): Intelligent agents tin can apace infuse large amounts of data into systems:

Author Casey Luskin.

  • "Intelligent design provides a sufficient causal explanation for the origin of big amounts of information, since nosotros accept considerable feel of intelligent agents generating informational configurations of matter…We know from experience that intelligent agents oftentimes conceive of plans prior to the cloth instantiation of the systems that conform to the plans — that is, the intelligent blueprint of a blueprint ofttimes precedes the assembly of parts in accord with a blueprint or preconceived design programme."1
  • "Intelligent agents sometimes produce material entities through a series of gradual modifications (as when a sculptor shapes a sculpture over time). Nevertheless, intelligent agents also take the capacity to introduce complex technological systems into the globe fully formed. Often such systems bear no resemblance to earlier technological systems — their invention occurs without a material connectedness to earlier, more rudimentary technologies. When the radio was commencement invented, it was different anything that had come before, fifty-fifty other forms of communication technology. For this reason, although intelligent agents need not generate novel structures abruptly, they can do so."two

Hypothesis (prediction): Novel biological forms requiring big amounts of new genetic information will announced abruptly in the fossil record, "fully formed," and without similar precursors.

Experiment (data): Biological novelty commonly appears in the fossil tape suddenly, fully formed and without similar precursors or evolutionary intermediates.iii Equally one zoology textbook states:

Many species remain about unchanged for millions of years, then suddenly disappear to be replaced by a quite different, simply related, form. Moreover, nigh major groups of animals announced abruptly in the fossil record, fully formed, and with no fossils yet discovered that course a transition from their parent group.4

The ascendant pattern in the fossil record is explosions of new biological forms. The Cambrian explosion is a prime instance where nigh of the major creature phyla announced "fully formed" in a geologically abrupt style,5 only there are many other examples in the fossil record, including a bird explosion,six an flowering plant explosion,7 and a mammal explosion.viii Even our genusHomoappears abruptly.ix

Conclusion: Many college taxa arose by intelligent design. Next, "The Positive Case for Pattern in Systematics"


  1. Stephen C. Meyer, Marcus Ross, Paul Nelson, and Paul Chien, "The Cambrian Explosion: Biological science'due south Big Blindside,"Darwinism, Design, and Public Teaching, eds. John A. Campbell and Stephen C. Meyer (Eastward Lansing, MI: Michigan Land University Printing, 2003), 367, 386.
  2. Stephen C. Meyer,Darwin'south Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Fauna Life and the Instance for Intelligent Pattern (New York: HarperOne, 2013), 373, 375.
  3. Stephen C. Meyer, "The Cambrian Data Explosion,"Debating Design: From Darwin to Dna, eds. Yard. Ruse and W. Dembski (Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 371-391; Due west.E. Lonnig, "Dynamic genomes, morphological stasis, and the origin of irreducible complexity,"Dynamical Genetics, eds. V. Parisi, Five. De Fonzo, and F. Aluffi-Pentini (2004), 101-119; McIntosh, "Evidence of Design in Bird Feathers and Avian Respiration."
  4. C.P. Hickman, Fifty.South. Roberts, and F.M. Hickman,Integrated Principles of Zoology 8th ed. (St. Louis, MO: Times Mirror/Moseby College Publishing, 1988), 866.
  5. R.S.G. Barnes, P. Calow, and P.J.Due west. Olive,The Invertebrates: A New Synthesis, 3d ed. (London, Britain: Blackwell Scientific, 2001), 9-x. See likewise Douglas H. Erwin and James W. Valentine,The Cambrian Explosion: The Construction of Animal Biodiversity(Greenwood Village, CO: Roberts and Company Publishers, 2013); Meyer,Darwin's Doubt; Samuel A. Bowring et al., "Calibrating Rates of Early Cambrian Development,"Science 261 (September 3, 1993), 1293-1298; Kevin J. Peterson et al., "MicroRNAs and metazoan macroevolution: insights into canalization, complication, and the Cambrian explosion,"BioEssays 31 (2009), 736. For documentation on the sudden appearance of fossils in the Cambrian explosion, meet Casey Luskin, "How 'Sudden' Was the Cambrian Explosion? Nick Matzke Misreads Stephen Meyer and the Paleontological Literature;New YorkerRecycles Misrepresentation,"Development News (July 16, 2013), (accessed October 27, 2020).
  6. A. Cooper and R. Fortey, "Evolutionary Explosions and the Phylogenetic Fuse,"Trends in Ecology and Evolution 13 (1998), 151-156.
  7. Due south. De Bodt et al., "Genome duplication and the origin of angiosperms,"Trends in Ecology and Evolution twenty (November 2005), 591-597; P.R. Crane et al., "The origin and early on diversification of angiosperms,"Nature 374: (March 2, 1995), 27-33.
  8. Encounter Niles Eldredge,The Monkey Concern: A Scientist Looks at Creationism (New York: Washington Square Printing, 1982).
  9. For details, see affiliate 32 in this volume, "Exercise Fossils Demonstrate Human Development?"; Casey Luskin, "Human Origins and the Fossil Record," Ann Gauger, Douglas Axe, and Casey Luskin,Scientific discipline and Human Origins (Seattle, WA: Discovery Institute Printing, 2012), 45-83; Casey Luskin, "Missing Transitions: Human being Origins and the Fossil Tape,"Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique, eds. J. P. Moreland, Stephen C. Meyer, Christopher Shaw, Ann K. Gauger, and Wayne Grudem (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2017), 437-473.


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